Dr. Muhammad Ali Shaikh's Profile

Dr. Muhammad Ali Shaikh is serving as the Vice Chancellor of Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi. He holds his PhD in Mass Communication from University of Karachi and has served as a post-doctoral fellow/ Fulbright Scholar at American University, Washington D.C. He has served in various public and private sector positions including as Director of SZABIST Center for Information and Research, Karachi; Director-General in the Secretariat of the Ombudsman of Sindh; Director-General, Sindh Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Director-General, Sindh Coastal Development Authority; and Chairman Sindh Textbook Board. He has also been on the faculty of various universities. Dr. Shaikh is presently serving on the Board of Directors of United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan which also serves as the Fulbright Commission in the country. He has authored several books and papers on subjects relating to history, education and communication including biographies of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. His book on Quaid-e-Azam received the Best Book of the Year Award by the National Book Foundation of Pakistan.


Higher Education in Pakistan: Challenges in a Global Era

The higher education sector is going through a transformative phase in Pakistan for last one and a half decade. While there have been several achievements in the sector since foundation of Higher Education Commission (HEC), there are numerous factors that have contributed towards less than optimum efficiency of the sector. The paper will examine the challenges being faced by higher education sector in Pakistan in the present global era.

Dr. Muhammad Ali Shaikh
Vice-Chancellor, Sindh Madressatul Islam University

Fulbright Scholar
American University




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