Prof. Umar Saif's Profile

Prof. Umar Saif works as the Chairman of the Punjab Information Technology Board, heading all public-sector IT projects in Punjab. He is also the founding Vice Chancellor of Information Technology University, Pakistan, a newly setup research university in Lahore. Prof. Saif received his PhD in 2001 at University of Cambridge and worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for several years before returning to Pakistan. He was named as one of the top 35 young innovators by the MIT Technology Review (TR35) in 2011 and a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2010. He has received a Google Faculty Research Award, MIT Technovator Award, IEEE Percom Mark Weiser Award, IDG Technology Pioneer Award and ACM CHI Best Paper Award. In 2014, Prof. Saif was awarded Sitara-i-Imtiaz, one of the highest civil awards by government of Pakistan. He was named among the 500 most influential Muslims in the world in 2015 and 2016.

Prof. Umar Saif
Vice-Chancellor, Information Technology University
Chairman, Punjab Information Technology Board




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