Promoting Mutual Understanding through Exchanges


Professional Partnership Program for Journalists

Current Status CLOSED
Deadline July 20, 2020

The United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan invites journalists to apply for the U.S - Pakistan Professional Partnership Program. This program involves journalists from both countries working together and building real professional relationships, as well as the opportunity to learn about media reporting in each other's countries. This program will provide approximately 110-140 participants from Pakistan the opportunity to study and take an active part in journalism as practiced in the U.S. Selected participants will spend up to 4 weeks at a U.S newsroom. The program is also knit throughout with events and opportunities to experience U.S life and showcasing its diversity.


Duration 4-6 weeks
Grantees start studies Rotating schedule, in form of small groups of 10-15 grantees over a period of 3 years

Eligibility Criteria

  • Currently working as a journalist
  • Three to ten years of active experience in journalism with any media organization


  • Applicants with a dual U.S./Pakistani nationality or those who have a parent, spouse, fiancé or child over 18 years of age who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Employees of the Fulbright organization or the U.S. Department of State and their spouses
  • Alumni of Fulbright, Humphrey, or any U.S. government-funded program
  • People who have applied for immigration to the United States

How to apply

Complete application package, including academic transcripts and two letters of references must be submitted to USEFP. Applications will be uploaded on the website as soon as the program is announced.

Our Partners:

International Center For Journalists, Washington D.C.


Important Questions